Got into San Diego yesterday to play a few events at Harrahs Rincon which is about an hour North of SD. $150 cab ride from the airport, that was fun. The place is right near an indian reservation and there are trailers and bad housing just across the street, odd place for a casino, but I guess the tribe owns part of it or something. The room is actually real nice though, I got a step up from the standard room and we are in the Garden part which is just 3 floors overlooking the pool with a small step out balcony. 42 inch flatscreen, really modern decorating , not bad at all. The pool is real nice with hottubs all around it, too bad its 60 degrees. Better than Tunica though, which I'm still sick from.
Karec and I both played the $440 today, we signed up together last night and of course they put us the same table, LOL to random seating. The structure is interesting, they give you a lot of chips, but it goes 25-50, 50-100, 100-200/25, 200-400, so its real fast, just 40 minute levels for the $440, $550, and $770. The $1k does have hour levels, and the $5k on tuesday has a pretty decent structure. So anyway back to today, I busted in the first 40 minutes when I reraised Karec and 2 other players up to 700 with AA, the player who initially called Karec's raise makes it 2200 to go, so I just call. Flop 962, I check, he shoves all in, I snap call, he has QQ, Q river... good game me. I went back to the room got my camera and decided to take a walk around the outside of the casino since its all mountians around it. Took some pictures, and came back and fired up online tourneys. Karec was up soon after, he got AQ all in vs Q9 on a Q78 flop, turn 5, river 6, good game Karec. Pretty dumb, we run good.
Online stuff so far today has been a debacle, I cashed the $200 turbo on Tilt but no cards at the end and out 20th or so, I was top 5 entire way of the Tilt $120 bounty, with 60 left I was 3rd and I raise AQ up to 999 at 200/400. BB calls and he has 22k in front, I had 25k, avg was only 12k at the time. Flop J89, he bets 2400, I Call. Turn is a 3 and he just shoves 19k into the pot, I tank and call, he has AT and gets there on the river for a huge chip lead, such fun. 40 left in the $55 singlerebuy on Stars get a walk with KK in the bb when I Have 10 bigs, very next hand I shove QQ in the sb, bb has AT, gg me, then QQ is no good against TT all in preflop a bit later in the Stars $109, such fun. I did win the $100 3 am turbo the night before we left for SD, that was good for $6k, I ran good there, sucked out 3x late.
Oh yeah, didn't post about the Tunica $10k, I busted day 2 in a $55k flip vs Hoyt Corkins, I got sick after so never got a chance to post about it. I didn't play that many interesting hands anyhow.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Friday, January 18, 2008
First few days in Tunica
Tunica isn't quite as beautiful as the Bahamas, its actually not even as beautiful as Brownstown, but it isn't quite as depressing as last year. Last year I said I would never come back here and would surely not drive back down here, but Karec and I drove down here this year and it wasn't too bad at all. I think staying at the Gold Strike where we never have to go outside is a big help, last year we were at the Microtel and had to get out and see how ugly and cold it was everyday to go to the casinos.
The first tourney I played was a $1k on Tuesday. We started with 3k chips, 25/25, and hour levels... I lasted 80 minutes. I ran into cooler after cooler it seemed, I reraise with AK, first limper ships, I tank and fold, this was actually at the 25/50 level. Another hand I limped 52s behind 3 limpers, flop A43 all clubs, I lead get almost minraised and call. Turn is a brick, I check, he checks, river 4, i check, he bets small and i call and he has 44 for quads. I lost AQ to KJ basically all in pre to a shortstack. I had another dumb hand but can't remember it right now, I finally busted raising AK, bb calls, flop KQs, I bet he raises, which he had done vs me before when I had AA and I 3 bet all in and he folded, this time I did the same thing and he called with AA. good game.
Funny thing about the tournament, in the very first two minutes I heard a dealer shout "seat open", I laughed to myself thinking this is why I'm in Tunica, then I get a text and its from Karec saying he already doubled. ha. He hit the nuts on the river and 3x shoved the pot and got called. He built up a huge stack having $40k at dinner break for over triple average/chiplead but ran into no luck after dinner and went out 22nd and it just paid 18.
The next day was another $1k this time with 280 or so players. I had a surprisingly tough table for a Tunica tourney, 3 of us ended up cashing, and another was the bubble boy in 28th. I actually ran good in this tourney. I won a big pot early at the 100/200 level. I raised to 525 with AK and was called by a solid lp player and called out out of the bb by a laggy player. Flop A53 with 2 spades, bb checks, I lead 850, lp calls, bb shoves in his 6k stack. I tank and finally move my stack in fearing a snap call from lp with 55 or 33. I thought the bb most likely had spades. LP finally folded and the bb turned over A5, a K ball hit the river though and I was sitting with a big stack. My stack really didn't do anything for literally the next five hours, I just stayed between 12 and 18k. I lost one all in
A7 vs K9 vs a shortie and that was the only showdown I was really in. 27 paid and with out 45 or so left I raised QJcc in ep and was called by the bb. Flop T87 with two clubs and it was checked me, I bet, the bb checkraised all in and I snap called with my flush draw plus gutter plus overs. He turned over T9, turn brick, river Q and I doubled up to around 24k or so. Ah I forgot one thing that happened a bit earlier. I ate dinner with Karec, Soggy, and Stamm, we were talking about how Men Master was a huge cheater and all the ways he has cheated in the past. Soggy happened to be at his table. He is at the table behind me and I notice him stand up so I look over and he says "You play so bad" to Men, and then Men says "yeah, thats why I win tournaments baby", Soggy says "yeah cuz you cheat" the floorwoman who was close by says to him "leave and don't come back". Men didn't really say much to him, it was pretty great really. Soggy was saying he plays so bad cuz Men sucked out on him in a huge pot.
With about 33 left, I was sitting on about 24k, I raised KQs in lp and was called by the player next over. Flop Kxx, and I check, he bet and I moved in and he called with AA. oops. The turn brought me a flush draw and I hit it on the river. oops again. This brought me up to 36k which gave me a pretty big stack, prob in something like 6th or 7th at this point, but that didn't last long. I raised 88 a few hands later and was reraised by a guy who had reraised me just a few minutes earlier, I had raised to 1800 at the 400/800 level and he made it 4300. Then a guy in lp started to put in 1800 but then saw it was 4300 and started to pull it back, but once its in it stays in, so instead he calls the entire 4300. So then I decide to call the extra 2500. Flop 642, I check, the raiser bets 7k, misclick guy folds and I think and finally shove, he thinks for a few seconds adn calls with KK. oops. If that guy doesnt call, I just fold my hand, so sick. That dropped me down to $6k putting me in near last. I grinded that without a showdown to get into the money, then won a flip KJ vs 66 in the money, but nothing much after that. Shoved 10 bigs with QJs and got called by QQ right after we combined to 2 tables. 18th for $1960 or so.
Played a mega satellite the next day and won that, was a grind, but won my seat to the main event, so thats good. I play the main on Sunday. I don't believe pocketfives will have anyone here, cardplayer will be here I assume, but probably won't pay much attention to me until I get a huge stack at least. ha
The first tourney I played was a $1k on Tuesday. We started with 3k chips, 25/25, and hour levels... I lasted 80 minutes. I ran into cooler after cooler it seemed, I reraise with AK, first limper ships, I tank and fold, this was actually at the 25/50 level. Another hand I limped 52s behind 3 limpers, flop A43 all clubs, I lead get almost minraised and call. Turn is a brick, I check, he checks, river 4, i check, he bets small and i call and he has 44 for quads. I lost AQ to KJ basically all in pre to a shortstack. I had another dumb hand but can't remember it right now, I finally busted raising AK, bb calls, flop KQs, I bet he raises, which he had done vs me before when I had AA and I 3 bet all in and he folded, this time I did the same thing and he called with AA. good game.
Funny thing about the tournament, in the very first two minutes I heard a dealer shout "seat open", I laughed to myself thinking this is why I'm in Tunica, then I get a text and its from Karec saying he already doubled. ha. He hit the nuts on the river and 3x shoved the pot and got called. He built up a huge stack having $40k at dinner break for over triple average/chiplead but ran into no luck after dinner and went out 22nd and it just paid 18.
The next day was another $1k this time with 280 or so players. I had a surprisingly tough table for a Tunica tourney, 3 of us ended up cashing, and another was the bubble boy in 28th. I actually ran good in this tourney. I won a big pot early at the 100/200 level. I raised to 525 with AK and was called by a solid lp player and called out out of the bb by a laggy player. Flop A53 with 2 spades, bb checks, I lead 850, lp calls, bb shoves in his 6k stack. I tank and finally move my stack in fearing a snap call from lp with 55 or 33. I thought the bb most likely had spades. LP finally folded and the bb turned over A5, a K ball hit the river though and I was sitting with a big stack. My stack really didn't do anything for literally the next five hours, I just stayed between 12 and 18k. I lost one all in
A7 vs K9 vs a shortie and that was the only showdown I was really in. 27 paid and with out 45 or so left I raised QJcc in ep and was called by the bb. Flop T87 with two clubs and it was checked me, I bet, the bb checkraised all in and I snap called with my flush draw plus gutter plus overs. He turned over T9, turn brick, river Q and I doubled up to around 24k or so. Ah I forgot one thing that happened a bit earlier. I ate dinner with Karec, Soggy, and Stamm, we were talking about how Men Master was a huge cheater and all the ways he has cheated in the past. Soggy happened to be at his table. He is at the table behind me and I notice him stand up so I look over and he says "You play so bad" to Men, and then Men says "yeah, thats why I win tournaments baby", Soggy says "yeah cuz you cheat" the floorwoman who was close by says to him "leave and don't come back". Men didn't really say much to him, it was pretty great really. Soggy was saying he plays so bad cuz Men sucked out on him in a huge pot.
With about 33 left, I was sitting on about 24k, I raised KQs in lp and was called by the player next over. Flop Kxx, and I check, he bet and I moved in and he called with AA. oops. The turn brought me a flush draw and I hit it on the river. oops again. This brought me up to 36k which gave me a pretty big stack, prob in something like 6th or 7th at this point, but that didn't last long. I raised 88 a few hands later and was reraised by a guy who had reraised me just a few minutes earlier, I had raised to 1800 at the 400/800 level and he made it 4300. Then a guy in lp started to put in 1800 but then saw it was 4300 and started to pull it back, but once its in it stays in, so instead he calls the entire 4300. So then I decide to call the extra 2500. Flop 642, I check, the raiser bets 7k, misclick guy folds and I think and finally shove, he thinks for a few seconds adn calls with KK. oops. If that guy doesnt call, I just fold my hand, so sick. That dropped me down to $6k putting me in near last. I grinded that without a showdown to get into the money, then won a flip KJ vs 66 in the money, but nothing much after that. Shoved 10 bigs with QJs and got called by QQ right after we combined to 2 tables. 18th for $1960 or so.
Played a mega satellite the next day and won that, was a grind, but won my seat to the main event, so thats good. I play the main on Sunday. I don't believe pocketfives will have anyone here, cardplayer will be here I assume, but probably won't pay much attention to me until I get a huge stack at least. ha
Saturday, January 12, 2008

The PCA was an $8k event which had a record field this year of around 1150 players paying 2 mil to first. I satellited into it in a $2000 9 man sng, which got you a $12 package($1150 food credit/7 nights($2k value)/$1k expenses on top of the $8k buyin. I also chopped another package so in all had $18k winnings and probably played in $12k worth of events since those sngs added up quite fast. So I was probably in for near $6k, not horrible I guess.
I liked what I saw as a first sat down as I recognized no one at my table and there were a few older players which is usually going to be a good thing and one middle aged woman who one would think would be easy to play against. We started with $20k in chips with blinds at 50/100. I can't really remember too many of the hands from teh first couple hours, but I chipped up to around $30k. Only hand I really recall was limping ATs in ep, probably went 5-6 ways to the flop of T43. I check called a loose awful player who loved to spew his chips. Turn was a blank and it went check check. River was a Q and I snap called a pot sized bet and he mucked. I had a sick tight image a few hours in. I had coldcalled raises with AKs and JJ and they got shown down each time. I also made a big fold in a limped pot. Two limpers to me in the big blind at the 200/400 level and I just check with AJs. Flop J82 I lead 1k and I get minraised to 2k by the woman, I instafold faceup, and she shows me 88. I actually think this was a very easy fold as she only has AJ,88, or 22 here ever and possibly AA. It completed my table image as a huge nit though, so it was time to start changing gears.
I loosened up a bit and was doing a lot of open raising in position. Really just two hands I recall before I moved tables. I raise 88 in mp and the bb calls who had been active and I assumed was a pretty good player. Flop JTT, he checks and I check behind. Turn is a blank and it once again goes check check, river is another blank and it checks to me and I decide to throw out a half pot value bet, he has QJ though, but I still think the river bet is fine. A few hands later I was down to 26k at the 400/800 level I believe and the hijack(same guy from prev hand who was very active raised to 2k, he was repopped by the cutoff to 6k, it folded to me in the big blind and i had A3 of clubs. Sure easy fold, basically junk, but I felt with my image I could get the repopper to fold JJ and lower for sure, and maybe even QQ and I think he is mucking AK too. So while he is still doing his reraise and getting his chips out there I'm thinking I'm going to put 18k of my 26k stack out there and make it look very strong. So it gets to me and I snap fold, ha. I'm such a nit, I really think 4 betting that is a very very good play there with the table dynamics, oh well. Our table broke up soon after.
The new table seemed like a pretty good table as the tourney chipleader was there with a ton of chips basically raising every pot and calling all ins if he was priced in at all. I mostly maintained during this level til there was 3 minutes left in the night. I had raised the two previous hands and once again raised wtih ATs in mp. I started the hand with 35k btw. I had raised to I think 2400 at the 500/100 level and the small blind who was older but was talking about playing in the 50/100 no limit game so I was thinking maybe he wasn't a standard terrible older player. He reraised to like 7500 or so and I decided to 4 bet all in, well I got snap called with the obv AA. Flop 234, turn T, but no help and I'm down to $2k with 2 minutes left in the night. Avg stack at this point over $40k. I'm utg next hand and fold then pick up 98s in the bb and get it all in vs AQ who isolated giving me over 3-1 on my money and I flop the flush and hold against his nut draw to give me 8k going into day 2. I was like 510/520 going into day 2, pretty sick.
Blinds are 500/1k starting day 2, very first hand I look at my first hand and see an Ace so without looking at my other card I ship in my 8k, the small blind calls me and I turn my cards over and am happy to see AJ, ,he has AT and I double and then some to about 18k. I then just keep chipping up with raises and cbets and maybe a couple 3 bets and have about 25k when this hand comes up. I had a pretty loose image at this table at the time and the villian had repopped me and coldcalled my raises previously. I open limp the small blind with A6o at the 600/1200 level, the big blind throws in 3k more and I decide to ship in my $25k or so and he basically snap calls me with A9. bla, but the flop has a six and I hold to give me a decent stack of about 54k or so. Next big hand utg good cash player who was drinking and ready to go to the beach ships his 11 bigs or so($20k), I ship my 50k stack with TT, someone else ships 17k, and the card are turned over and the utg player has JJ, so I'm in bad shape. No luck and I'm down to 30k, I somehow get down to about 20k when this hand comes up. Blinds 1200/2400 and ep player moves all in for 20k, I have about 21k and I reship with AJ, thinking I could be way ahead, way behind, flipping, really who knew, the guy could have a super wide range. He turns over AT, so I'm pretty happy, I'm even happier when 2 guys say they folded tens. Sweet, too bad he just decides to flop the nut flush and I'm out in around 250th place. bleh, oh well, it was time to play with lindsay in the water.
The water rides were pretty fun down there and we had a good time with those. The water rides all had really warm water in them. The pools were fricking freezing though. All in all the place is pretty neat with all the wildlife they have down there, so dumb expensive to eat though, we had $1150 in my package to use towards food/drinks and we spent like $900 of it in those 8 days without going to the most expensive places. A PB&J was $8 on the room service menu, your standard turkey sandwhich, $17. A miller lite was $6 in the mini bar. That's about it from the PCA, plan to go back next year I'd say, though maybe I'd want to go to Australia....
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
2008 Schedule
Jan 4th-Jan 12th: Bahamas(PCA)
Playing just the $8k main event, relaxing the rest of the time
Jan 14th-Jan 20th: Tunica
Playing some prelims and possibly both the $7500 WSOP-C main and the $10k WPT main
Jan 30th-Feb 5th: San Diego
Going to SD even though LA will be going on, substituted SD/Venetian instead of going LA,
playing smaller events instead, and our airfare is less than half of what it would be as would
room costs, plus Karec will be playing more events this way. $5k wsop-c main on the 5th
Feb 6th-Feb 12th: Las Vegas(Venetian)
Both Karec and I will be playing smaller tourneys here, couple 1ks and a couple 550s
Feb 21st-Feb 25th: Council Bluffs, Iowa
Not positive we will be making this trip,but would be playing a 1k,1.5k, and the $5k main
Feb 26th-March 8th: Las Vegas(Wynn)
Good week and a half playing mostly 1k-2ks
Rest of March:Watch Basketball
April 2nd-April 8th: Las Vegas(Bellagio)
Five Star Classic playing 2ks-5ks, and probably coming home and playing in Indiana instead
of playing the $25k WPT Championship which will be like 4.5 million to win.
April 11th-April 14th:Caesars Indiana
Playing a 1k and the $5k wsop-c main
April 20th-July 3rd: Las Vegas
Lots of stuff going on during this time, Caesars WSOP-C followed by the WPT and Mandalay
Bay WPTs and ending with the World Series of Poker.
That's all I got figured out for now, all this is pending change obv, I'll probably get burned out real quick, but I'm pretty committed to play a ton of events for 7 months and see how I do. Hopefully sitting top 10 in the Cardplayer rankings.
Playing just the $8k main event, relaxing the rest of the time
Jan 14th-Jan 20th: Tunica
Playing some prelims and possibly both the $7500 WSOP-C main and the $10k WPT main
Jan 30th-Feb 5th: San Diego
Going to SD even though LA will be going on, substituted SD/Venetian instead of going LA,
playing smaller events instead, and our airfare is less than half of what it would be as would
room costs, plus Karec will be playing more events this way. $5k wsop-c main on the 5th
Feb 6th-Feb 12th: Las Vegas(Venetian)
Both Karec and I will be playing smaller tourneys here, couple 1ks and a couple 550s
Feb 21st-Feb 25th: Council Bluffs, Iowa
Not positive we will be making this trip,but would be playing a 1k,1.5k, and the $5k main
Feb 26th-March 8th: Las Vegas(Wynn)
Good week and a half playing mostly 1k-2ks
Rest of March:Watch Basketball
April 2nd-April 8th: Las Vegas(Bellagio)
Five Star Classic playing 2ks-5ks, and probably coming home and playing in Indiana instead
of playing the $25k WPT Championship which will be like 4.5 million to win.
April 11th-April 14th:Caesars Indiana
Playing a 1k and the $5k wsop-c main
April 20th-July 3rd: Las Vegas
Lots of stuff going on during this time, Caesars WSOP-C followed by the WPT and Mandalay
Bay WPTs and ending with the World Series of Poker.
That's all I got figured out for now, all this is pending change obv, I'll probably get burned out real quick, but I'm pretty committed to play a ton of events for 7 months and see how I do. Hopefully sitting top 10 in the Cardplayer rankings.
2007 recap
copying this post here from the old blog since it was the last one I posted.
2007 review/highlights
Jan: new years day 3rd in the 109r for 12k to start the year right. won 109r for 20k as well. Live final table in Tunica but just a 7th.
Feb: Won the 109r for 35k which was the biggest 109r ever at the time, won 22r for 12k. Final tabled 2 small live tourneys.
March: Watched March Madness on my sick setup obv. Can't wait for the 2008 march madness weekend at the house. Near miss in the 1k million gtd 24th for $7k, obv got sucked out AQ
April: Had a sick week 1st in 163 for 15k and 1st in 22r same night for 12k, won the 109r for 32k as well as well as 2nd in the 163 for 9k. Sister got married.
May: Met a beautiful girl at my friend's divorce party, thanks for sucking at marriage ryan. Started the move to Vegas for part of the summer. Vistited Chad in Florida as well and saw his sick car and assorted toys. Derby Day was fun, sadly I will not be hosting a derby party this year as I believe I will be out of town.
June: Teased a bunch in the WSOP in the form of the $1k rebuy where I got 43rd losing AK<88 for a ton of chips and then 29th in the $5k losing AK
July: Another big tease busting 238th in the main event, 99
August: got back on track online a bit with a 2nd/3rd same night and then 2nd again the next night in one of those tourneys. Lexus!
September: went with Lindsay to the Outer Banks where we rented a house just off the beach. awesome place. win 10 grand one night in the 25/50 cap game on Full Tilt.
October: Start my sick run in sngs. Degen it up one night at Caesars with Lilholdem, Stamm, bigboybunk, play slot machines for first time in my life cuz we couldnt get into a BJ table in the high limit room. Hit wheel of fortune for $2500 on 4th pull, end up taking $3400 profit out of the machine.
November: IU beats Purdue in the bucket game 27-24 to send IU to a bowl game for the first time in a while. IU bball starts. Nephew Talon Matthew born
December: seeing everyone at xmas. Winning the 55r for 13k. Karec chopping the 162 for 15k. hopefully my new years eve party and an IU bowl victory....
2008:Plan to play a ton live and post a ton too, will post a message with teh schedule and everything in a few days.
2007 review/highlights
Jan: new years day 3rd in the 109r for 12k to start the year right. won 109r for 20k as well. Live final table in Tunica but just a 7th.
Feb: Won the 109r for 35k which was the biggest 109r ever at the time, won 22r for 12k. Final tabled 2 small live tourneys.
March: Watched March Madness on my sick setup obv. Can't wait for the 2008 march madness weekend at the house. Near miss in the 1k million gtd 24th for $7k, obv got sucked out AQ
April: Had a sick week 1st in 163 for 15k and 1st in 22r same night for 12k, won the 109r for 32k as well as well as 2nd in the 163 for 9k. Sister got married.
May: Met a beautiful girl at my friend's divorce party, thanks for sucking at marriage ryan. Started the move to Vegas for part of the summer. Vistited Chad in Florida as well and saw his sick car and assorted toys. Derby Day was fun, sadly I will not be hosting a derby party this year as I believe I will be out of town.
June: Teased a bunch in the WSOP in the form of the $1k rebuy where I got 43rd losing AK<88 for a ton of chips and then 29th in the $5k losing AK
July: Another big tease busting 238th in the main event, 99
August: got back on track online a bit with a 2nd/3rd same night and then 2nd again the next night in one of those tourneys. Lexus!
September: went with Lindsay to the Outer Banks where we rented a house just off the beach. awesome place. win 10 grand one night in the 25/50 cap game on Full Tilt.
October: Start my sick run in sngs. Degen it up one night at Caesars with Lilholdem, Stamm, bigboybunk, play slot machines for first time in my life cuz we couldnt get into a BJ table in the high limit room. Hit wheel of fortune for $2500 on 4th pull, end up taking $3400 profit out of the machine.
November: IU beats Purdue in the bucket game 27-24 to send IU to a bowl game for the first time in a while. IU bball starts. Nephew Talon Matthew born
December: seeing everyone at xmas. Winning the 55r for 13k. Karec chopping the 162 for 15k. hopefully my new years eve party and an IU bowl victory....
2008:Plan to play a ton live and post a ton too, will post a message with teh schedule and everything in a few days.
Blog Move
I decided to move the blog to blogger where I have had this account forever but never used it. For old stuff, you can visit
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