I won the WSOP Circuit $1k today for $30k and a circuit ring. I managed to win JJ vs KK heads up to give me a 5-1 lead and then got KQ all in vs T7 of spades on a Q97 flop. The turn was a 8 giving him more outs but I somehow faded the river to give me the win. I also got AA all in vs QJ of spades on a T774 board with 3 spades, river came 7 to give me the boat, that was with 7 left, wasn't for all my chips though but will an important pot. Heads up, I played pretty passive preflop limping most buttons with hands like KQ, KJ and the sort. The key hand was raising A3o pf on the button and I got called. Flop comes 25T, the guy leads into me and I just call, turn is a 7 and he leads again for 40k, I have 160k left and shove and he snap folds QT face up. So I could have been done right there but got away with my one bluff of the week. Karec played one $550 sng and won that for a $5k seat tomorrow so we are both playing that, hopefully the running good in San Diego continues.
Nice hand, sir.
Good luck in the 5K.
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