Friday, June 13, 2008

$2000 Day 1

Have $53k going into day 2, avg is 40k, 134 left, 99th pays $4700. I built up quickly today and had 13k by the first break, got most of it with a set of Tens vs top pair. I was card dead most of the day and didn't really do much til a few hours later when I sucked out with sixes all in preflop vs Joe Sebok's sevens to get me to 25k. A few hands later I picked up aces in the cutoff, I raised bb called. Flop A52, he checkraises me, I call. Turn 6 he bets, I shove he calls and has 57 of hearts which he turned a flush draw which was pretty sick but I dodged the heart river and doubled. Run good time tomorrow.

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