Tuesday, June 3, 2008

WSOP $5k Mixed Holdem Day 2

Came into the day in pretty good shape somewhere around 25/91 with $47k. I got to my seat and immediately wasn't thrilled with Noah Boeken and David Williams on my left, Lindgren on Williams left and there was actually an open seat on my left for a while until Gavin Griffin filled it. I'm not even sure if I played a hand in the first hour, I know I didn't play a single hand in the first 30 minutes during the limit portion. I really didn't have any big hands, I maintained my stack by 3 betting in the no limit portion and can't remember dragging any decent pots in the limit portion.

The first notable hand that I remember well was when I picked up AQs in the small blind and Robert Williamson raised in the cutoff to 4500, I made it 12k to go and he tanked and finally put his 16k total in with A8s. He flops the nut flush so that was real cute, instead of being over 60k, I'm down to 30k. I think I chipped that back up a bit then lost with TT in the limit portion. I 3 bet a lp raiser, continued an all rags flop, King turned and I checked and he checked, river A, i check and call to his obv A4. That put me in bad shape, but then I finally got a suckout winning A5 to David Williams Jacks to get me back to around 40k. From then on it was a grind, I did pick up Aces and Queens in a single orbit only to get no action. I then picked up QQ in the bb a bit later and flatted Newhizzle's utg raise. Flop KTx, I checkcall, turn A, I checkfold.

When we got to the total bubble we were in the limit portion and I had 28k at the start of the bubble which was 2k/4k blinds 4k/8k limit, which put me basically in last. I think there was one stack shorter than mine and he doubled up twice while we were on the total bubble. I did get all in vs Lindgren AKo vs AKo and he flops a frickin flush draw but doesn't get there. Then all of a sudden the bubble burst and I was in the money. I busted 2 hands later shoving 18k with A6s with 1k/2k blinds, Lindgren picked up AK in the big blind. My cash was good for $10,922, which isn't horrible to start the series. Tomorrow is the $2k.

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